ACI Dealing Certificate Exam Training

The participants to the program will gain an understanding of over-the-counter and
exchange-traded Currency Derivatives, Interest Rate Derivatives…

Market Risk Training Program

Market risk refers to risks arising from movements in the interest rate, exchange rate, stock price, and commodity prices…

TBML & Financial Crimes program

SIFL Trade based Money laundering & Financial Crimes Program is a well designed program for the desk handling Trade Finance desk to…

MSME Advances Program

MSME lending are credit focused on Small Businesses like Small Scale Industries, Retail Trading, Commercial Transport, Professional and Self Employed people…

Soft Skills Program

Developing “soft” skills, which are non-technical skills, is the goal of soft skills training. There are many soft skill topics, such as time management, stress…

Trade Finance Program

Considering the national objective of a USD 5 trillion economy by 2025, Indian banks need to mobilize their manpower to provide Trade Finance…