Treasury Products Sales Training Program

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Programme- Treasury Products Sales Training Program

  • Customers’ hedging needs, assessment & Suitability
  • FX for Exports & Imports, FX for Inward & Outward Remittances
  • FX Spot Forwards, Futures, Swaps & Options
  • Cross Currencies, Chain Rule, FX Spot, Forward, Cash, Tom & Options
  • Precious metals- Gold Desk
  • Customers’ need assessment & Suitability of Bond Products to customers
  • Interest Rate Concepts- Money Market Concepts
  • Money Market Products for customers- T. Bills, CDs, CPs, Bills of Exchange & Repo
  • Bonds Investments-Sovereign, Corporate and Banks Bonds
  • Regulation of RBI in respect of Bonds investments, AFS, HFT and HTM portfolio
  • Bond Ratings, Bond Duration & Bond Pricing
  • Customers’ hedging needs, assessment, Suitability
  • Derivatives- Guidelines Reserve Bank of India.
  • Interest Rate Derivatives- FRA, IRS & Interest Rate options & Risk Management
  • Currency Derivatives- Forward, Currency Swap, Currency Options & Risk Management
  • OTC Derivatives Vs Exchange Traded Derivatives
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