Employee Motivation

Many ideas may come to mind when you think of motivating personnel, such as greater pay, a larger workspace, a promotion, or a higher standard of living. The fact is that real motivation has to come from within, regardless of what we can provide for them. Irrespective of the description, striking the correct balance is crucial to guaranteeing a committed workforce. The Employee Motivation session will equip participants with a variety of tools, like as goal-setting and persuasion techniques, to help them become excellent motivators. In addition, participants will learn how to combine five of the most well-liked motivational models to build a unique program.

INR 199 / USD 10

Module 1

  • A Psychological Approach
  • Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • The Two Models and Motivation
  • Knowledge Check

Module 2

  • Object-Oriented Theory
  • The Carrot
  • The Whip
  • The Plant
  • Knowledge Check

Module 3

  • Using Reinforcement Theory
  • A History of Reinforcement Theory
  • Behavior Modification in Four Steps
  • Appropriate Uses in the Workplace
  • Knowledge Check

Module 4

  • Using Expectancy Theory
  • A History of Expectancy Theory
  • Understanding the Three Factors
  • Using the Three Factors to Motivate in the Workplace
  • Knowledge Check

Module 5

  • Personality’s Role in Motivation
  • Identifying Your Personality Type
  • Identifying Others’ Personality Type
  • Motivators by Personality Type
  • Knowledge Check

Module 6

  • Setting Goals
  • Goals and Motivation
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Evaluating and Adapting
  • Knowledge Check

Module 7

  • A Personal Toolbox
  • Building Your Own Motivational Plan
  • Encouraging Growth and Development
  • Getting Others to See the Glass Half-Full
  • Knowledge Check

Module 8

  • Motivation on the Job
  • The Key Factors
  • Creating a Motivational Organization
  • Creating a Motivational Job
  • Knowledge Check

Module 9

  • Addressing Specific Morale Issues
  • Dealing with Individual Morale Problems
  • Addressing Team Morale
  • What to Do When the Whole Company is De- Demotivated
  • Knowledge Check

Module 10

  • Keeping Yourself Motivated
  • Identifying Personal Motivators
  • Maximizing Your Motivators
  • Evaluating and Adapting
  • Knowledge Check


  • Post-Test

INR 199 / USD 10

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