TBML and Financial Crimes Training program

Trade based Money Laundering & Financial Crimes

Self Learning Training program


SIFL Trade based Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Program is a well designed program for the desk officers handling Trade Finance desk to understand the intricacies of the Trade based money laundering & Financial Crimes. The Program has live cases and Case Studies through which the target audience will understand TBML & FC in details and how to combat the menace.

Benefits of the Programme:

  • Self-learners understand the importance of prevention of Trade Based Money Laundering
  • Self Learners gain knowledge about the Money Laundering practices utilized by the traders especially in cross border trading
  • Precautions to be taken to mitigate & combat the menace of TBML
  • Compliance in trade finance business w.r.t TBML
  • Thorough understanding of TBML through Case studies of TBML

Self-Learning Program-Best suited for?

  • Trade Finance Professionals
  • Banks to attain Enhanced Risk Management, Effective Transaction Monitoring & Client Due Diligence
  • Compliance Officers and AML Professionals
  • Law Enforcement Personnel
  • Legal Professionals
  • Students and Researchers
  • Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Course deliverables:

  • Registration to SIFL Learning Platform
  • Study Material soft copy & Audio Book
  • Audio Presentation for explanation of the TBML
  • SIFL Mock/Assessment test
  • Case studies
  • One SIFL Final Mock tests
  • Certificate for Learners Who Are Succeed at the SIFL Institute Final Test.

Introduction to Trade Based Money Laundering

Mechanism & Channels TBML

  1. Invoice Manipulation
  2. Diamond Trade
  3. Gold Trade
  4. E-Commerce & Services Industries

Other Channels for TBML

  1. Shell & Front Companies
  2. Hawala Operators
  3. Non-Govt. Organizations
  4. Crypto Currencies
  5. Smurfing
  6. Other Channel

Best Practices to count TBML

TBML Prone areas in Import business

TBML Prone areas in Export business

International guidelines on TBML

Organization Assisting in combating TBML

Discussion on Case Studies

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